- Heart of America Grazing Conference Highlight: Native Warm-Season Grasses (NWSG): Naturally Adapted Productive Pastures
- Nitrate Test Kits available - KY County Extension Offices
- Featured Publication: Forage-Related Disorders in Cattle: Nitrate Poisoning (UK pub ID-217)
- Forage News Quote of the Month: "Insanity: Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results"
- Program and registration - KFGC Annual Field Day
- Scott County Field Day Replaces Annual UK Equine Field Day for 2016
- Dairymen and Horse Owners: Caution with rye straw
- The Forage-Livestock Community Says Goodbye to a Forage Legend: Russell Hackley
- Webinar on Hi-Gest® Low Lignin Alfalfa
- New Holland Product Support Kits
- Details on AFGC New Zealand Tour Signup
Publication Date
Repository Citation
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, "Forage News [2016-07]" (2016). Forage News. 20.