Author ORCID Identifier

Date Available


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)

Year of Publication


Document Type

Doctoral Dissertation




Educational Policy Studies and Eval

First Advisor

Dr. Molly Fisher

Second Advisor

Dr. Jeffery Bieber


As American community colleges replace prerequisite developmental mathematics courses with corequisite courses, the work of faculty to support underprepared students merits attention. This curricular change means underprepared students are enrolling directly in both college-level content courses with required corequisite support courses for necessary remediation, thus broadening the range of student skills and abilities in the classroom. Faculty work is significantly impacted by this change. Previous research indicates that corequisite course configurations have mitigated some problems with the traditional multi-course sequence of developmental courses. Noticeably, scholars described course structures in detail but failed to describe adequately how students were actually supported. A qualitative research study was designed to generate data through participant interviews. The research sought to address the gap in literature by developing a deeper understanding of faculty work to provide corequisite support. Characteristics of Weick’s Organizational Sensemaking Theory served as a lens to understand the layered and nuanced facets of faculty work to support corequisite students. Four major themes were identified: 1) various course configurations labeled as corequisite courses and three interrelated dimensions of faculty work to support corequisite students: 2) helping students with mathematical content and skills, 3) fostering academic behaviors and mindsets, and 4) providing emotional support for students. This study contributes to the growing body of research surrounding the concept of corequisite courses as remediation. Results depict how faculty made sense of curricular changes associated with implementing corequisite models and how those faculty supported their underprepared students. This study informs college leaders, professional development coordinators, and practitioners seeking to learn more about faculty work to support underprepared students in corequisite courses. Two important implications for practice and policy include cultivation of various dimensions of faculty work related to corequisite courses and prioritizing faculty engagement in scholarship.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
