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Document Type
Doctoral Dissertation
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Educational Policy Studies and Eval
Dr. Jane McEldowney Jensen
This study explores the institutional network which connected students to a tutoring program at a community college. The study identifies the most likely areas that would refer students to or inform students about the tutoring program. Additionally, the study seeks to understand how different students may have interacted with that network of departments in varied patterns of engagement. While exploring and describing this group of institutional units and their function of connecting students to tutoring, I utilized a multi-phase, mixed methods approach. This methodology began with qualitative information gathering with document analysis, followed by two focus group interviews. I constructed a draft survey and then revised it using information from the analysis of program documents. I again revised the draft survey to reflect data attained during the group interview process. Students then completed the survey, and I mapped the results and visually analyzed them using principals of social network analysis. In analysis of the visual data, I found that a network and patterns of engagement were present and were suggestive of both student motivational factors and departmental processes. The recommendations, because of these findings, focused upon increasing the effectiveness of the more leveraged departments and areas, and building upon prevalent patterns of engagement to better inform and attract more students to tutoring.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Recommended Citation
Tudor, G. Mason, "Mapping the Tutoring Referral Network: Exploring the Student-To-Tutoring Connection" (2020). Theses and Dissertations--Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation. 71.