Author ORCID Identifier

Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Doctoral Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Agriculture, Food and Environment




Dr. Clare Rittschof


In agricultural landscapes, bee communities are shaped by factors including the plant community, land management, and pesticides. These factors are critical in the late winter and early spring (LWES) when floral resources are scarce and many bee species are becoming active. In this dissertation, I characterize the flowering weed community of Central Kentucky agroecosystems in the LWES, examine the response of wild bee communities to the total cover and diversity of these flowering plants, and assess the risks of glyphosate exposure on developing ground nesting bees. I found that the flowering plant community was similar across land cover types and is characterized by a few common taxa. Additionally, I found that the wild bee abundance and species richness was not different between cover cropped and fallow fields, but both measures were higher in response to greater flowering weed cover and diversity in some years. Lastly, I found that glyphosate did not impact the survival or larval mass of any of the developing bees collected. However, adult Andrena, but not Colletes, from glyphosate treated plots were larger than those from control plots. Taken together, these studies provide critical information for developing sustainable integrated pest and pollinator management practices.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Funding Information

This study was supported by the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research Pollinator Health Fund (grant no.: 549049) in 2018.

PERMANOVAbyYear.pdf (10 kB)
Supplemental Table 2.1. The results of the PERMANOVA comparing floral communities within each sampling year.

FriedmansTestResultsYear.pdf (115 kB)
Supplemental Table 2.2. The Friedman's test results of year-to-year comparisons of total floral cover of the 6 most common taxa.

FriedmansTestResultsWeek.pdf (205 kB)
Supplemental Table 2.3.The Friedman's test results of comparisons of floral cover of the 6 most common taxa between sampling weeks.

RADmodelAICvalues.pdf (17 kB)
Supplemental Table 2.4. The AIC values used to compare the Rank Abundance and Dominance models presented in Chapter 2.

BeeSpecies.pdf (46 kB)
Supplemental Table 3.1. A table of the bee species collected in Chapter 3 and the number of each species collected over all three years of the experiment.

TukeyHSD.pdf (92 kB)
Supplemental Table 3.2. The Tukey's HSD test results comparing bee abundance between sampling weeks.

AdditionalSamplingInformation.pdf (111 kB)
Supplemental Table 4.1. A list of the parks sampled in each round of the experiment with GPS locations of each sampling plot and the number of bees collected from each.

LarvalMassTukey.pdf (70 kB)
Supplemental Table 4.2. The Tukey's HSD test results comparing the wet mass of larvae between sampling weeks.

CoverCropFloral2019.xlsx (46 kB)
Floral cover data used in the Chapter 2 cover crop experiment collected in 2019.

CoverCropFloral2020.xlsx (73 kB)
The floral cover data collected in 2020 used in the data analysis for the cover crop experiment in Chapter 2.

CoverCropFloral2021.xlsx (99 kB)
The floral cover data collected in 2021 used in the data analysis for the cover crop experiment in Chapter 2.

Honeybee2021FloralData.xlsx (97 kB)
The data file used in analysis of the land cover experiment in Chapter 2.

BeeSpecimens.xlsx (515 kB)
The data file of all the bee specimens collected, and their associated data such as location, used in Chapter 3 data analysis.

2019GlyphosateData.xlsx (112 kB)
The data on bee specimens recovered during Round 1 in Chapter 4

Round2Specimens.xlsx (44059 kB)
The data file containing the information associated with each bee specimen collected in Round 2 of the glyphosate experiment in Chapter 4.

2021GroundBees.xlsx (25 kB)
Data collected on bees collected in Round 3 of the glyphosate experiment in Chapter 4.

NewPlotNumbers.xlsx (9 kB)
Data file containing the "new" plot numbers used in the text of Chapter 4. Use this file to convert plot numbers in the original data files to the plot numbers used in the text.
