Researcher ORCID Identifier
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Release Date
Fall 9-30-2024
University of Kentucky Libraries
1. The local population dynamics of an invasive species are important for predicting impacts and determining proper management approaches. Temporal and spatial distribution can influence monitoring and treatment decisions and understanding climatic variables that affect population size can help predict peak population numbers.
2. Drosophila suzukii (Matsumara, 1931) is an invasive fruit pest, and its seasonal dynamics vary across its range. In this study, we conducted a three-year trapping study in conjunction with various modeling approaches to determine the environmental variables that influence population dynamics of D. suzukii across all seasons in central Kentucky.
3. Both male and female flies were active in all seasons and visited traps located both on the ground and at plant height.
4. The greatest number of flies were caught in the wooded edge habitat in all seasons, and crop habitat only had more catches than forest habitat during summer months.
5. Finally, population size was best predicted by a general additive model that included the average temperature 8 weeks prior to sampling as well as relative humidity in the two-weeks prior to sample.
6. Taken together, our results indicate that the factors influencing population dynamics of D. suzukii in Kentucky differ from those at higher or lower latitudes with average with flies active through the year and different climatic variable affecting summer catch rate.
7. Our findings highlight the need to investigate these factors on an appropriate scale to develop region-specific monitoring and management recommendations.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Funding Information
This work is supported by Hatch Project 7000545 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. EAM was supported by a National Institute of Food and Agriculture Predoctoral Fellowship number 2023-67034-40360
Recommended Citation
McCabe, Eleanor; Teets, Nicholas M.; Devlin, Jack J.; and McCabe, Megan E., "Environmental conditions influencing seasonal population dynamics of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in a mid-latitude organic farm DATA" (2024). Entomology Research Data. 12.
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