Date Available
Year of Publication
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Dr. Carol Thompson
Committee Member
Dr. Melanie Hardin-Pierce
Co-Director of Graduate Studies
Janine Lindgreen
Central venous catheters, also known as central lines, serve an essential role in critical care settings across the globe. However, these lines put patients at an increased risk for hospital-acquired infections in the form of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI). In an effort to prevent these infections, evidence-based nursing interventions in the form of insertion and maintenance bundle are undertaken. It is the focus of this practice inquiry project to evaluate nurse adherence to central line insertion bundles before and after implementation of routine reporting of adherence rates within an ICU. The evaluation will provide insight to the degree of adherence to best practices during central line insertion, if routine monitoring and reporting of adherence rates affects adherence, and help guide future quality improvement projects for CLABSI prevention. This practice inquiry project includes three manuscripts each discussing central line insertion bundle practices and their effect on CLABSI’s as well as strategies to improve bundle adherence and decrease CLABSI rates.
Recommended Citation
Moore, Margaret A., "Evaluation of Central Line Insertion Bundle Practices in a Trauma/Surgical Intensive Care Unit" (2016). DNP Projects. 71.