Author ORCID Identifier

Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice


Misty Ellis

Committee Member

Andrew Makowski

Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Caryn Sorge


Background: Depression and anxiety are serious complications of cancer and deemed a challenging diagnosis due to the symptoms of depression mimicking common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Signs/symptoms frequently are underrecognized thus appropriate treatment is delayed, compromising the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) for pediatric oncology patients.

Purpose: Analyze existing physician and Advanced Practice Provider (APP) clinical practice regarding depression, via a pre- and post-survey and educational PowerPoint on the use of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Children (CES-DC) to promote early recognition of depression.

Methods: A prospective, single-arm, study was completed in the Kentucky Children’s Hospital DanceBlue Clinic (DBC). Surveys were distributed to physicians and APPs. Pre- and post-surveys via Qualtrics along with an educational PowerPoint was used to analyze clinician knowledge, clinical practice, and barriers.

Results: Out of twelve participants, eight completed the pre- and post-survey; four were Physicians and four were APP. Following the educational PowerPoint, a statistically significant increase in perception of the need to screen every patient with a standardized depression screening tool was observed (75%). A majority were willing to make the practice change (75%), and most recommended the CES-DC (87.5%).

Conclusion: The results of this study warrant the need for the use of a standardized depression screening tool, with the CES-DC as the preferred tool, in the pediatric oncology population. The future intentions to screen every patient upon clinic visit and hospital admission could not be analyzed.
