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Date Available
Year of Publication
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Misty Ellis
Committee Member
Andrew Makowski
Co-Director of Graduate Studies
Caryn Sorge
Background: Depression and anxiety are serious complications of cancer and deemed a challenging diagnosis due to the symptoms of depression mimicking common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Signs/symptoms frequently are underrecognized thus appropriate treatment is delayed, compromising the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) for pediatric oncology patients.
Purpose: Analyze existing physician and Advanced Practice Provider (APP) clinical practice regarding depression, via a pre- and post-survey and educational PowerPoint on the use of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Children (CES-DC) to promote early recognition of depression.
Methods: A prospective, single-arm, study was completed in the Kentucky Children’s Hospital DanceBlue Clinic (DBC). Surveys were distributed to physicians and APPs. Pre- and post-surveys via Qualtrics along with an educational PowerPoint was used to analyze clinician knowledge, clinical practice, and barriers.
Results: Out of twelve participants, eight completed the pre- and post-survey; four were Physicians and four were APP. Following the educational PowerPoint, a statistically significant increase in perception of the need to screen every patient with a standardized depression screening tool was observed (75%). A majority were willing to make the practice change (75%), and most recommended the CES-DC (87.5%).
Conclusion: The results of this study warrant the need for the use of a standardized depression screening tool, with the CES-DC as the preferred tool, in the pediatric oncology population. The future intentions to screen every patient upon clinic visit and hospital admission could not be analyzed.
Recommended Citation
Blankenship, Jennifer, "Promotion of Early Recognition of Depression to Improve Health Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Oncology Patients" (2022). DNP Projects. 409.
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Diagnosis Commons, Health Psychology Commons, Oncology Commons, Pediatrics Commons, Physiological Processes Commons