Author ORCID Identifier


Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice


Dr. Karen Stefaniak

Committee Member

Dr. Kathy Isaacs

Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Dr. Judi Dunn


Background: Cardiovascular (CV) patients are often overwhelmed by the unexpected emergence of the health condition, volume of knowledge for self-care mastery and acceptance of the responsibility for self-care upon care transition to the home setting. Low health literacy levels have been linked to poor outcomes in CV patients, requiring investigation into appropriate methods for patient education. The Get Well Network (GWN), an interactive digital patient education care plan at UK HealthCare (UKHC), is underutilized in this patient population.

Purpose: the purpose of this study is to assess the effect of a nurse-to-patient coaching intervention using the IDEAL discharge framework from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) on patient utilization of available education resources via GWN.

Conceptual Framework: The health belief model and Orem’s self-care framework informed this study, asserting that an individual’s belief in the readiness and motivation to change self-care behaviors leads to positive change and engagement. A coaching intervention on outcomes-related information for patient success encourages patient activation to positive change.

Methodology: In this quasi-experimental study, a sample (n=25) of the inpatient population of cardiovascular patients on four cardiovascular units (CVU) at a UKHC, an academic medical center, undergo the coaching intervention to investigate any influence on patient utilization of GWN. This sample is compared to a sample pre-intervention.

Results: Data indicate the coaching intervention did not influence patient activation, health belief or self-care motivation through increased utilization of GWN. On receiving reminders for engagement with video content, the majority of patients chose to defer participation. However, engagement with medication review approached significance (p=0.054).

Discussion: GWN was designed to engage patients in their own health care through personalized education but relies on activation and motivation of the patient. Patients acknowledge greater need for education and responsibility for self-care but lack understanding of engagement necessary before hospital discharge to manage knowledge and acquisition.

Conclusion: GWN continues to be a valuable resource at UKHC, however further studies are needed to determine the most effective strategies to inspire patients and their caregivers to access the education resources provided.
