Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice


Dr. Sheila Melander

Committee Member

Melissa Soper

Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Dr. Ashley Montgomery-Yates


Background: Adult patients in the critical care setting are at risk for experiencing sleep disruption due to critical illness and environmental factors. The effects of disruption to the sleep/wake cycle has been associated with dysregulation of biological processes such as healing and immune system functioning. Current literature includes the use of sleep-promoting protocols that aim to reduce environmental disruptors of sleep in the critical care setting. However, there is a disconnect between the perceived importance of sleep and clinical practice. Additionally, there is a gap in literature exploring the effects of educational-modalities on nursing staff knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes related to sleep health and promotion for adult critically-ill patients.

Purpose: The purpose of this DNP project was to examine the impact of a web-based educational module about sleep health and promotion on perceived knowledge, perceived barriers, and attitudes towards the use of sleep-promoting protocols among nursing staff of a 59-bed medical intensive care unit.

Methods: This study used a one-group pre- and post-test design. Participants completed an electronic survey before and after viewing a web-based educational module. Paired T-tests and Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient via SPSS software were used to analyze the data and interpret significance to clinical practice.

Results: A statistically significant increase was found in perceived knowledge (p=0.008) and attitudes (p=0.013) related to sleep health and promotion. A non-significant increase was noted in perceived barriers (p=0.052) and attitudes towards the use of a sleep promotion protocol (p=0.695).

Conclusion: Results from this study suggest that web-based educational interventions can be effective in increasing perceived knowledge and improving attitudes related to sleep health and promotion among nursing staff within a critical care setting. Future research efforts should focus on exploring unit-specific barriers perceived by nursing staff when attempting to implement an evidence-based sleep-promotion protocol.
