Date Available
Year of Publication
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Dr. Elizabeth Tovar
Committee Member
Dr. Lynne Jensen
Co-Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. Keisa Fallin-Bennett
The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an online educational module about LGBTQ healthcare topics for primary care providers in Kentucky. The study focused on the changes in knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy in topics related to LGBTQ patients.
This study was a one-group pre/post intervention design to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and self- efficacy of providers regarding primary care topics for the LGBTQ community before and after completing a training module on LGBTQ healthcare topics. Subjects were recruited via the KCNPNM Listserv over a 2-week period to participate in the interactive, online audio/visual module. The module is an original presentation using evidenced based guidelines tailored to adapt to common primary care scenarios involving LGBTQ patients.
There were statistically significant changes in participant (N=47) attitudes regarding LGBTQ patient discrimination in healthcare settings, and confidence in taking a comprehensive sexual history. There was also an increase in mean knowledge scores from pre (0.58) to post (0.71). There were improvements in other categories of attitudes and self-efficacy, but the results were not statistically significant.
This effective training provides the opportunity for advancement in the cultural competency of primary care providers in Kentucky, which is desperately needed to improve the health outcomes of the selected vulnerable population. Future projects can focus on LGBTQ patient health outcomes and satisfaction of care following cultural competency implementation.
Recommended Citation
Carney, Anthony C., "Evaluation of an Online LGBTQ Patient Care Education Module for Primary Care Providers" (2019). DNP Projects. 259.