Date Available
Year of Publication
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Dr. Karen Stefaniak
Committee Member
Dr. Joanne Matthews
Co-Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. Cheryl Dellasega
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention on relational aggression in an acute care unit using a pre and post questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to examine changes in Relational Aggression (RA) self-awareness before and after an educational video and to determine the effectiveness of an educational video compared to no educational materials on self-awareness of RA behaviors.
METHODS: This study was single site, quasi-experimental non-equivalent pretest posttest study at the University of Kentucky. Sample size for the pre-survey was 15 acute care nurses on the control and experimental units, completed between October 11, 2018 and November 1, 2018. Educational material was viewed by 3 acute care nurses on the experimental unit, between November 10, 2018 and December 1, 2018, and the post-survey was completed by 11 acute care nurses across the control and experimental units, between December 11, 2018 and January 1, 2019.
RESULTS: From the total sample of respondents (n=21), 88% felt they had a good understanding of what RA was and 76% reported they had the skills and knowledge to handle the situation and/or escalate. The strengths of the physical environment were related to level of physical comfort and teamwork with areas of opportunity around management working to improve the unit and having feelings of shared decision making. Emotional environment analysis revealed that gossiping and cliques are the most prevalent forms of RA on the selected units. There was no significant difference in responses for those that viewed and didn’t view the educational material.
CONCLUSION: Given response rate of 21/89 for questionnaires and 3/41 opening educational material, limited conclusions can be drawn. Based on gathered data further organizational assessment should be explored as all respondents reported evidence of RA on their units.
Recommended Citation
Dorsey, Jennifer M., "The Effect of an Educational Workshop on Relational Aggression in an Acute Care Nursing Unit" (2019). DNP Projects. 251.