Date Available
Year of Publication
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Dr. Kathy Wheeler
Committee Member
Dr. Elizabeth Tovar
Co-Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. Audrey Darville
This capstone report presents three manuscripts which focus on tobacco use interventions in the primary care setting. The first manuscript presents a critical analysis of the Public Health Service guideline on Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence. The second manuscript presents a literature review pertaining to interventions that increase primary care provider compliance with guideline recommendations. The literature obtained from these first two manuscripts led to a descriptive study, which examined the documentation and implementation of specific guideline recommendations in a primary care clinic. The third and final manuscript details this study, and presents some practical implications for improving documentation and implementation of tobacco use interventions in primary care.
Recommended Citation
Silberman, Amber, "Delivery of Evidence-based Tobacco Use Interventions in Primary Care" (2014). DNP Projects. 23.