CRVAW Faculty Book Chapters

Psychological, Reproductive and Maternal Health, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of Intimate Partner Violence

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



For our review in this chapter, we define intimate partner violence (IPV) as physical, sexual, or psychological abuse by an intimate partner who may be a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or dating partner. We also include studies that address interpersonal violence (e.g., physical or sexual assaults) in which the partner was the perpetrator for the majority of these assaults. Figure 12.1 provides a schematic to orient the reader as to what is covered in our literature review. Although not intended to be a theoretical model, it does guide our organization of the literature and highlights certain assumptions. For example, rates of IPV vary internationally (Garcia-Moreno, Jansen, Ellsberg, Heise, & Watts, 2006), providing evidence for the influence of social, cultural, and economic factors, and perhaps the impact of IPV on health and wellness. As the arrows in the figure indicate, IPV may directly or indirectly influence a range of mental and physical health conditions.


Published in Violence Against Women and Children: Mapping the Terrain, J. W. White, M. P. Koss, & A. E. Kazdin (Eds.), p. 265-284.

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