Theses/Dissertations from 2014
An Examination of Intimate Partner Violence and Cigarette Smoking among African American Women in 12 States, Eboneka Coleman
Key Nutrient Selection and Consumption by Elementary Students in the National School Lunch Program, Jocelyn Hayward Cowen
Impact of Routine Immunization Coverage in Controlling Measles and Progressing Toward the Introduction of Rubella Containing Vaccine: A Comparison Study Between Rwanda and Uganda, Carmen Kupangi Dibaya
Evaluating Oral Health Trends in Kentucky, 2006-2012, Briana Michelle Forsythe
Flavored Milk and the National School Lunch Program, Ellen Hutchins
Associations of Maternal Socio-Demographic and Psychosocial Characteristics with Alcohol Use During Pregnancy, Nneoma Adaobi Ilogu
Association of HIV Testing, Educational Attainment, and Age Among Black and Non-Black Men, Ashley N. Martell
Are There Benefits of Smoking Reduction During Pregnancy? Smoking Status of Pregnant Women and the Effect on Pre-Term Delivery, Kelli Ann McLane
The Effect of Television Watching on Condom Use Among 9th-12th Graders, Rashidat Mohammed
Connecting the Supply and Need for Buprenorphine Treatment in Kentucky Counties, Ellen LaVonne Parker
The Effectiveness of Sexual Education Programs on Teen Births Among Females With and Without a Family History of Teen Births, Holly Poynter
Distribution of Wildlife Rabies in Central Appalachia and Analysis of Factors Influencing Human Exposure, Sara J. Reilly
Examination of the Prevalence and Mediating Factors of Diabetes Diagnoses in Kentucky Women with a History of Gestational Diabetes, Courtney Danielle Ryan
Effects of Locality and Risk of Late Stage Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Kentucky Females, 2001-2011, Michael Jacob Sither
Injuries Among Miners in Kentucky During 2010-2012 From Workers Compensation Data, Evelyn Thomas
Influence of Marianismo on Colorectal Cancer Screening Behavior Among Hispanic Women in the United States, Robin Thompson
Breast Health and Access to Care in the Kentucky Women's Health Registry, Sarah Yeiser
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Health Status and Care Access of the Uninsured in Kentucky, Douglas Keith Branham
The Effect of State Expansion of Medicaid Eligibility on Uninsurance Rates and Health Outcomes of Nonelderly Adulst, Lazarus Ude Eze
The Impact of Discontinuing Coverage of Second Generation Antihistamines in A Managed Care Organization, Matthew D. Harman
Relationship Between Nonmedical Benzodiazepine Use and Psychiatric Disorders Among Rural Appalachian Drug Abusers, Derek Szesny
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Factors Influencing Acceptance of a Worksite Wellness Program in a Major Urban Healthcare System - A Cross-Sectional Analysis, Deborah A. Ballard