Date Available
Year of Publication
Document Type
Master's Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Science in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (MSBiosyAgE)
Agriculture; Engineering
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Dr. Carmen T. Agouridis
Traditional mine reclamation often results in highly compacted lands which prohibit tree growth and survival, reduce infiltration rates, and increase runoff. In 2005, six 0.4 ha plots were constructed on the Bent Mountain surface mine in eastern KY by the University of Kentucky in accordance with Forestry Reclamation Approach’s low compaction guidelines. The plots consisted of two replications each of (1) brown weathered sandstone (BROWN), (2) gray unweathered sandstone (GRAY), (3) and a combination of both sandstones and shales (MIXED). The goal of this project was to assess the hydrologic performance on a storm event basis (monitoring years 2012-2013) of the plots. It was hypothesized that the increase in tree growth on the plots, especially in BROWN,would result in storm-based hydrological changes since plot construction. Results showed that no significant differences were found between the 2005-2006 and 2012-2013 monitoring periods for the storm parameters of discharge volume,discharge duration, and curve number. A significant increase was noted for peak discharge, lag time, and response time. No significant differences were found between spoil types in spite of the difference in vegetative cover. Results suggest that placement of spoil has the greatest influence over storm hydrology at this point in time.
Recommended Citation
Weatherford, Mary Katherine, "Storm Hydrograph Characteristics and Curve Numbers of Loose-Dumped Spoil in Eastern Kentucky" (2014). Theses and Dissertations--Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. 24.