Submissions from 1982
Silk Clipping Insects on Corn, Lee H. Townsend and Morris J. Bitzer
Submissions from 1981
Efficient Pasture Systems, J. Kenneth Evans and Garry D. Lacefield
Submissions from 1980
Horse Pasture, Garry D. Lacefield, J. Kenneth Evans, and John P. Baker
Slope Stabilization with Crown Vetch, A. J. Powell Jr.
Submissions from 1979
Establishment of Football Turf, A. J. Powell Jr.
Submissions from 1978
Urea as a Source of Fertilizer Nitrogen for Crops in Kentucky, Kenneth L. Wells, Lloyd Murdock, and H. F. Miller
Submissions from 1977
Southern Regional Beef Cow-Calf Handbook: Hay Feeding Systems, Garry D. Lacefield, J. Kenneth Evans, and Joe Burns
Submissions from 1976
Renovating Grass Fields with a Renovation Seeder, Edward M. Smith, Robert L. Fehr, Garry D. Lacefield, and J. Kenneth Evans
Submissions from 1975
Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations for Reclamation of Surface-Mined Spoils, Richard I. Barnheisel