
Turfgrasses under intensive management are often subject to outbreaks of infectious diseases. Diseases usually are most damaging when weather or cultural conditions favor the disease-causing agent but not plant growth and vigor. Cultural conditions that predispose turfgrass to diseases include close mowing, inadequate or excessive fertility, light or frequent irrigation, excessive thatch, poor drainage, and shade. Good turf management practices often greatly reduce the impact of disease by promoting healthy plants that are better able to resist infections. Even under good management, however, diseases sometimes cause excessive damage to highly managed turfgrasses. The proper use of fungicides in these instances, in conjunction with implementing best cultural management practices that promote quality turf, can be an important part of an overall disease-management program. Fungicides available for controlling turfgrass diseases in the United States and Canada are listed in tables 1 and 2. Specific application rates, safety precautions, and other important information are provided on the labels of the formulated products. Read these labels completely and carefully before using any fungicide.

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