
Wobbler Syndrome refers to a number of disease states in the horse. The most common is termed cervical vertebral malformation (CVM) and is characterized by malformation or compression of the spinal cord which leads to spasticity, ataxia, and incoordination. These symptoms are caused by damage to or compression on the spinal cord.

Cervical vertebral instability (CVI) and cervical static stenosis (CSS) are the two distinct types of CVM. CVI causes dynamic spinal cord compression. It typically affects horses from 4-12 months of age. CSS typically affects horses between 12-36 months of age and is characterized by a closing of the cervical canal causing compression on the spinal cord. The compression, malformation or lesions of CVM usually occur between the third and fifth cervical vertebrae.

The miniature horse is the only breed that has escaped diagnosis of the wobbler syndrome. The Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, and Morgan are the most commonly affected breeds.

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