Start Date

2-25-1993 9:45 AM


Alfalfa popularity is not surprising because it has the highest yield potential and the highest feeding value of all perennial hay crops. While the protein value of alfalfa is of major importance, its energy content is also high and should not be discounted. High yields of alfalfa harvested at the proper stage of maturity compare favorably with corn silage in production of energy.


Feb 25th, 9:45 AM

An Alfalfa Management Program for Optimum Yields and Quality

Alfalfa popularity is not surprising because it has the highest yield potential and the highest feeding value of all perennial hay crops. While the protein value of alfalfa is of major importance, its energy content is also high and should not be discounted. High yields of alfalfa harvested at the proper stage of maturity compare favorably with corn silage in production of energy.