
Native perennial warm-season grasses (NWSGs) of the United States (U.S.) provide valuable summer forage. Studies have shown their potential within grazing systems as a complement to cool-season forages, as well as their benefits to soil biota, wildlife biodiversity, carbon sequestration and their resiliency to extreme drought and flood events. In this paper, we demonstrate that, in addition to these benefits, NWSGs provide important economic value to beef and dairy producers as a hedge against financial risks posed by overreliance on cool-season grasses.



The Business Case for Healthy Grasslands-Based Agriculture – Economic and Social Implications

Native perennial warm-season grasses (NWSGs) of the United States (U.S.) provide valuable summer forage. Studies have shown their potential within grazing systems as a complement to cool-season forages, as well as their benefits to soil biota, wildlife biodiversity, carbon sequestration and their resiliency to extreme drought and flood events. In this paper, we demonstrate that, in addition to these benefits, NWSGs provide important economic value to beef and dairy producers as a hedge against financial risks posed by overreliance on cool-season grasses.