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There is insufficient information to guide development of multiple paddock grazing systems. Measuring vegetation responses to grazing period/recovery period intervals is prohibitively expensive when using most grazing research designs. Nested paddock designs reduce land area, number of herds, and number of paddocks needed for comparisons. Nested paddocks permit comparisons of animal performance among whole pasture treatments but comparisons are limited for animal performance differences among grazing/recovery period lengths. Nonetheless, nested paddock designs efficiently document vegetation responses to grazing intervals, which may permit predictions of animal performance.



Using Nested Paddocks to Study Multiple-Paddock Grazing Systems

There is insufficient information to guide development of multiple paddock grazing systems. Measuring vegetation responses to grazing period/recovery period intervals is prohibitively expensive when using most grazing research designs. Nested paddock designs reduce land area, number of herds, and number of paddocks needed for comparisons. Nested paddocks permit comparisons of animal performance among whole pasture treatments but comparisons are limited for animal performance differences among grazing/recovery period lengths. Nonetheless, nested paddock designs efficiently document vegetation responses to grazing intervals, which may permit predictions of animal performance.