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In order to grasp the ecology of R. obtusifolius and the effects of it on seasonal yield of grass in grazing pasture, we investigated seasonal sward characteristics and dry matter yield in grazing pasture. Dry matter yield and coverage of R. obtusifolius predominated those of grass after mid-June and mid-August, respectively. Throughout the year the coverage of R. obtusifolius negatively correlated to the grass yield. After August, the grass yield was negatively related to the yield and the population density of R. obtusifolius. From the facts described above, R. obtusifolius seems to reduce grass yield throughout the year, especially after August.



Relationship Between Broadleaf Dock (Rumex obtusifolius L.) and Seasonal Yield of Orchardgrass Grazed Pasture

In order to grasp the ecology of R. obtusifolius and the effects of it on seasonal yield of grass in grazing pasture, we investigated seasonal sward characteristics and dry matter yield in grazing pasture. Dry matter yield and coverage of R. obtusifolius predominated those of grass after mid-June and mid-August, respectively. Throughout the year the coverage of R. obtusifolius negatively correlated to the grass yield. After August, the grass yield was negatively related to the yield and the population density of R. obtusifolius. From the facts described above, R. obtusifolius seems to reduce grass yield throughout the year, especially after August.