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Different estimates of the growth of Prosopis caldenia (Burk.) were related in the area of the “caldén” forest, Province of San Luis: trunk diameter, treetop coverage and total tree height to infer the annual growth percentage. The number of trees per hectare and their distribution was calculated based on size. Pod production per hectare was evaluated to determine forage potential.



Autecology of Prosopis Caldenia (Burk.) in the Region of "Caldenal" of the Province of San Luis, Argentina

Different estimates of the growth of Prosopis caldenia (Burk.) were related in the area of the “caldén” forest, Province of San Luis: trunk diameter, treetop coverage and total tree height to infer the annual growth percentage. The number of trees per hectare and their distribution was calculated based on size. Pod production per hectare was evaluated to determine forage potential.