Grand Rapids, Michigan
Start Date
16-5-2024 9:30 AM
End Date
16-5-2024 10:00 AM
Developing closure and groundwater remedy strategies for CCR facilities requires broad investigation into material properties, hydrology, surface and groundwater quality, human and ecological risk among others. The inorganic constituents commonly associated with CCR materials are also chemically reactive with minerals contained in underlying unconsolidated materials. Essential information about the geochemical properties of unconsolidated material includes identification of reactive mineralogy, the distribution of Appendix IV constituents among mineral fractions through selective extraction, and quantification of the cation exchange capacity of clays. Results of geochemical assessment are incorporated in geochemical models used to predict response of the groundwater system to various remedies. This presentation describes results of a geochemical evaluation program as described and what the results look like for typical conditions.
Document Type
Geochemical Assessment to Support Evaluation of Remedy Options at CCR Units
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Developing closure and groundwater remedy strategies for CCR facilities requires broad investigation into material properties, hydrology, surface and groundwater quality, human and ecological risk among others. The inorganic constituents commonly associated with CCR materials are also chemically reactive with minerals contained in underlying unconsolidated materials. Essential information about the geochemical properties of unconsolidated material includes identification of reactive mineralogy, the distribution of Appendix IV constituents among mineral fractions through selective extraction, and quantification of the cation exchange capacity of clays. Results of geochemical assessment are incorporated in geochemical models used to predict response of the groundwater system to various remedies. This presentation describes results of a geochemical evaluation program as described and what the results look like for typical conditions.