Grand Rapids, Michigan
Start Date
15-5-2024 2:00 PM
End Date
15-5-2024 2:30 PM
Successful practices to accelerate pond closure with beneficial reuse of CCR Authors Mr. John Gartin - United States - Tetra Tech EC, Inc. Mr. Dearl Tate - United States - Tetra Tech EC, Inc. Mr. Tom Kierspe - United States - The SEFA Group, LLC Abstract Successful project implementation by the Duke Energy, SEFA Group, and Tetra Tech Team to achieve pond closure with beneficiation at the retired H.F. Lee Plant. Duke Energy is beneficially reusing ash from multiple basins at the site, providing a source of materials that helps cement producers meet their sustainability goals and compliance while ensuring Duke Energy complies with CCR regulations. On this unique and challenging site, the ash beneficiation project considerations include safe operations, environmental compliance, maintaining CCR beneficiation specifications, sequencing of available basins, and risk reduction. This is being accomplished through industry leading best practices with a collaborative effort between the contractors and owner, with periodic basin stability assessments, instrumentation and monitoring, staff training in safety/excavation risk identification, advanced planning, and selecting appropriate means and methods for efficient operations. Duke Energy has successfully guided the construction and startup of three Staged Turbulent Air Reactor (STAR®) ash beneficiation facilities including one at the H.F. Lee Coal Fired Plant. Tetra Tech’s operations are being performed in an ash basin where CCR is delivered from four other onsite basins, blended, and stockpiled in a lined containment area. Simultaneously, Tetra Tech is excavating, screening, processing, and segregating CCR material per SEFA’s specification.
Document Type
Successful Practices to Accelerate Pond Closure with Beneficial Reuse of CCR
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Successful practices to accelerate pond closure with beneficial reuse of CCR Authors Mr. John Gartin - United States - Tetra Tech EC, Inc. Mr. Dearl Tate - United States - Tetra Tech EC, Inc. Mr. Tom Kierspe - United States - The SEFA Group, LLC Abstract Successful project implementation by the Duke Energy, SEFA Group, and Tetra Tech Team to achieve pond closure with beneficiation at the retired H.F. Lee Plant. Duke Energy is beneficially reusing ash from multiple basins at the site, providing a source of materials that helps cement producers meet their sustainability goals and compliance while ensuring Duke Energy complies with CCR regulations. On this unique and challenging site, the ash beneficiation project considerations include safe operations, environmental compliance, maintaining CCR beneficiation specifications, sequencing of available basins, and risk reduction. This is being accomplished through industry leading best practices with a collaborative effort between the contractors and owner, with periodic basin stability assessments, instrumentation and monitoring, staff training in safety/excavation risk identification, advanced planning, and selecting appropriate means and methods for efficient operations. Duke Energy has successfully guided the construction and startup of three Staged Turbulent Air Reactor (STAR®) ash beneficiation facilities including one at the H.F. Lee Coal Fired Plant. Tetra Tech’s operations are being performed in an ash basin where CCR is delivered from four other onsite basins, blended, and stockpiled in a lined containment area. Simultaneously, Tetra Tech is excavating, screening, processing, and segregating CCR material per SEFA’s specification.