
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Start Date

15-5-2024 11:30 AM

End Date

15-5-2024 12:00 PM


Focused Constructability Review Process for Ash Pond Closures Authors Mr. Sean Rome - United States - Montrose Environmental Solutions Abstract CCR Impoundment Closures are large, complex remediation projects involving a complicated sequence of water management and material handling. Due to the nature and complexity of these projects, a traditional construction review may provide only nominal value to inform design, develop bid quality plans and specifications, and ultimately contribute to successful project execution. The Focused Constructability Review (FCR) process is a more detailed evaluation, performed from a different perspective, designed to identify and mitigate CCR project specific safety, environmental and construction challenges. An FCR can also be an important tool for vetting costs and supporting decision-making. Attendees of this presentation will: • Be provided with an FCR Overview which includes, but is not limited to CCR specific: – Water Management Strategies • Material Handling and Sequencing • Instrumentation, Selection and Deployment • Learn how to identify and mitigate project risks/challenges • Gain insight into Lessons Learned, including several case histories.

Document Type



May 15th, 11:30 AM May 15th, 12:00 PM

Focused Constructability Review Process for Ash Pond Closures

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Focused Constructability Review Process for Ash Pond Closures Authors Mr. Sean Rome - United States - Montrose Environmental Solutions Abstract CCR Impoundment Closures are large, complex remediation projects involving a complicated sequence of water management and material handling. Due to the nature and complexity of these projects, a traditional construction review may provide only nominal value to inform design, develop bid quality plans and specifications, and ultimately contribute to successful project execution. The Focused Constructability Review (FCR) process is a more detailed evaluation, performed from a different perspective, designed to identify and mitigate CCR project specific safety, environmental and construction challenges. An FCR can also be an important tool for vetting costs and supporting decision-making. Attendees of this presentation will: • Be provided with an FCR Overview which includes, but is not limited to CCR specific: – Water Management Strategies • Material Handling and Sequencing • Instrumentation, Selection and Deployment • Learn how to identify and mitigate project risks/challenges • Gain insight into Lessons Learned, including several case histories.