
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Start Date

15-5-2024 2:30 PM

End Date

15-5-2024 3:00 PM


Alternate Liner Demonstration (ALD) for CCR Surface Impoundment Authors Mr. John Seymour - United States - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Mr. Mike Coram - United States - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Dr. Clinton Carlson - United States - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Mr. Isaiah Vaught - United States - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Mr. Jesse Varsho - United States - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Abstract An alternate liner demonstration was prepared for a large (300+ acres) CCR surface impoundment (SI) in accordance with the Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule [40CFR257.71(d)]. The SI had a natural glacial clay bottom liner and compacted clay side liner (containment berm). This presentation focuses on the field and laboratory testing and groundwater modeling completed as a part of the ALD Package [40CFR257.71(d)(1)(ii)] to demonstrate “…no reasonable probability that the continued operation of the surface impoundment will result in adverse effects to human health or the environment”. To meet the rule requirements, existing data was supplemented with the following new work was competed: 95 cone penetration test probes to depths of 75 ft, with 70 pore pressure dissipation tests confirmed by 9 continuously-sampled sonic soil borings drilled down 75 ft to bedrock, 5 CCR pore water sample analyses from in the SI, 24 undisturbed samples of the soil liner materials in the containment berm and underlying soils down to bedrock, located approximately 25 ft below the bottom liner. Hydraulic conductivity compatibility testing using pore water (permeant) was conducted on 16 samples for 21 months with no degradation of hydraulic conductivity. Groundwater flow modeling was conducted using the data from the field and laboratory testing that demonstrated migration of constituents in pore water would not exceed the groundwater quality standards when they reached the uppermost aquifer, meeting the CCR Rule criterion.

Document Type



May 15th, 2:30 PM May 15th, 3:00 PM


Grand Rapids, Michigan

Alternate Liner Demonstration (ALD) for CCR Surface Impoundment Authors Mr. John Seymour - United States - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Mr. Mike Coram - United States - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Dr. Clinton Carlson - United States - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Mr. Isaiah Vaught - United States - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Mr. Jesse Varsho - United States - Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. Abstract An alternate liner demonstration was prepared for a large (300+ acres) CCR surface impoundment (SI) in accordance with the Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Rule [40CFR257.71(d)]. The SI had a natural glacial clay bottom liner and compacted clay side liner (containment berm). This presentation focuses on the field and laboratory testing and groundwater modeling completed as a part of the ALD Package [40CFR257.71(d)(1)(ii)] to demonstrate “…no reasonable probability that the continued operation of the surface impoundment will result in adverse effects to human health or the environment”. To meet the rule requirements, existing data was supplemented with the following new work was competed: 95 cone penetration test probes to depths of 75 ft, with 70 pore pressure dissipation tests confirmed by 9 continuously-sampled sonic soil borings drilled down 75 ft to bedrock, 5 CCR pore water sample analyses from in the SI, 24 undisturbed samples of the soil liner materials in the containment berm and underlying soils down to bedrock, located approximately 25 ft below the bottom liner. Hydraulic conductivity compatibility testing using pore water (permeant) was conducted on 16 samples for 21 months with no degradation of hydraulic conductivity. Groundwater flow modeling was conducted using the data from the field and laboratory testing that demonstrated migration of constituents in pore water would not exceed the groundwater quality standards when they reached the uppermost aquifer, meeting the CCR Rule criterion.