
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Start Date

14-5-2024 10:30 AM

End Date

14-5-2024 11:00 AM


Coal Combustion Products Worldwide - On the Stretch from Suitability to Sustainability Authors Mr. Craig Heidrich - Australia - Ash Development Association of Australia Dr. Jinder Jow - China - China Coal Ash Professional Committee Mr. Thomas Adams - United States - American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) Dr. Hans-Joachim Feuerborn - Germany - ECOBA Abstract Coal is used worldwide for energy and heat production with pros and cons and restrictions or phase-out decision in parts of the world for environmental reasons. At the COP28 conference in December 2023 in Dubai more than 200 parties confirmed the 1.5 degree Celsius limit and agreed to triple the amount of renewable energy capacities. In some areas of the world the consequences are already daily live, i.e. quality issues with discontinuous operation and less products for the construction markets. In parallel to these developments the increased utilization of CCPs is still an issue as the potential of the material is not considered in parts of the world or markets not developed. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for constructions and construction materials have to prove their benefits or misfits in form of Environmental Product Declarations which are becoming mandatory in some countries. For serving markets re-use from stock, the use of other types of ash with and without processing needs, and blends with other materials are developing. The developments are partly already covered in standards and guidelines. The report gives an update on the situation with CCPs worldwide, on partly necessary sustainability aspect and developments in standards.

Document Type



May 14th, 10:30 AM May 14th, 11:00 AM

WWCCPN- On the stretch from Suitability to Sustainability

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Coal Combustion Products Worldwide - On the Stretch from Suitability to Sustainability Authors Mr. Craig Heidrich - Australia - Ash Development Association of Australia Dr. Jinder Jow - China - China Coal Ash Professional Committee Mr. Thomas Adams - United States - American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) Dr. Hans-Joachim Feuerborn - Germany - ECOBA Abstract Coal is used worldwide for energy and heat production with pros and cons and restrictions or phase-out decision in parts of the world for environmental reasons. At the COP28 conference in December 2023 in Dubai more than 200 parties confirmed the 1.5 degree Celsius limit and agreed to triple the amount of renewable energy capacities. In some areas of the world the consequences are already daily live, i.e. quality issues with discontinuous operation and less products for the construction markets. In parallel to these developments the increased utilization of CCPs is still an issue as the potential of the material is not considered in parts of the world or markets not developed. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for constructions and construction materials have to prove their benefits or misfits in form of Environmental Product Declarations which are becoming mandatory in some countries. For serving markets re-use from stock, the use of other types of ash with and without processing needs, and blends with other materials are developing. The developments are partly already covered in standards and guidelines. The report gives an update on the situation with CCPs worldwide, on partly necessary sustainability aspect and developments in standards.