
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Start Date

14-5-2024 2:00 PM

End Date

14-5-2024 2:30 PM


Coal Ash & the Public – Tell your story before someone else does! Authors Mr. Tim Hancock - United States - Stantec Ms. Melissa Hedgecoth - United States - Tennessee Valley Authority Abstract Nothing travels quite as fast as bad news, and our industry is a convenient target. Technical reports containing 99% good news can become grist for the mill due to a single line or paragraph that feeds a headline, particularly where human health is concerned. Despite data to the contrary, the industry continues to suffer from headlines like: Toxic coal ash: EPA says Alabama doesn't protect public or waterways from contamination (ABC News 33/40 Birmingham– 9/19/23) The reality is that you can either tell the good news of your own story or leave it to the legacy and on-line ‘media’ to tell it for you which assuredly will not go well. Can you ensure that only good news is delivered to a waiting public? No. But through effective and targeted outreach tools, you can work to level the playing field in the court of public opinion, reducing unwanted impacts to your organization. This presentation will focus on how TVA has utilized a variety of tools and resources to move the needle of public opinion across their seven-state service area. Our team will share with attendees the tools, the structure of TVA’s Core Outreach Team and strategies that have proven effective.

Document Type



May 14th, 2:00 PM May 14th, 2:30 PM

Coal Ash & the Public – Tell your story before someone else does!

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Coal Ash & the Public – Tell your story before someone else does! Authors Mr. Tim Hancock - United States - Stantec Ms. Melissa Hedgecoth - United States - Tennessee Valley Authority Abstract Nothing travels quite as fast as bad news, and our industry is a convenient target. Technical reports containing 99% good news can become grist for the mill due to a single line or paragraph that feeds a headline, particularly where human health is concerned. Despite data to the contrary, the industry continues to suffer from headlines like: Toxic coal ash: EPA says Alabama doesn't protect public or waterways from contamination (ABC News 33/40 Birmingham– 9/19/23) The reality is that you can either tell the good news of your own story or leave it to the legacy and on-line ‘media’ to tell it for you which assuredly will not go well. Can you ensure that only good news is delivered to a waiting public? No. But through effective and targeted outreach tools, you can work to level the playing field in the court of public opinion, reducing unwanted impacts to your organization. This presentation will focus on how TVA has utilized a variety of tools and resources to move the needle of public opinion across their seven-state service area. Our team will share with attendees the tools, the structure of TVA’s Core Outreach Team and strategies that have proven effective.