
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Start Date

14-5-2024 1:00 PM

End Date

14-5-2024 1:30 PM


The Closure and Capping of Ash Treatment Basin 2 at Kentucky Utilities Ghent Generating Station Authors Mr. Steven Turner - United States - Tetra Tech, Inc. Mr. Jeffrey Heun - United States - Louisville Gas and Electric/Kentucky Utilities Abstract Ash Treatment Basin 2 (ATB2) is a 150-acre coal ash pond located in Ghent, Kentucky. It served as a depository for Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) resulting from electrical generation activities at the Kentucky Utilities Ghent Generating Station. Closure activities began in 2017, liner installation finished in 2023, and overall site work ended in 2024. Closure activities began with the installation of dewatering wells and vibrating wire piezometers to detect subsurface movement to alert against slides during mass fill activities. Mass fill included the installation of geogrid and bottom ash roads to gain access to the pond. Mass fill occurred for 3 years (2021-2023) beginning with the north lobe (40-acres), southern embankment (66-acres), and central area (69-acres). In total, 4 million cubic yards of material and 15 million square feet of 50 mil linear low-density polyethylene MicroDrain® liner and geotextile were utilized during closure activities. Prominent features installed include 36-inch stormwater outlet structures and conveyance systems in both the east and west, 9,000 ft of underdrain in the perimeter ditches, and a fabric form ditch in the north lobe. Following closure activities, 650,000 CY of cover soil was placed and seeded over the entire liner system to form a cap.

Document Type



May 14th, 1:00 PM May 14th, 1:30 PM

Kentucky Utilities Ghent ATB 2 CCR Pond Closure

Grand Rapids, Michigan

The Closure and Capping of Ash Treatment Basin 2 at Kentucky Utilities Ghent Generating Station Authors Mr. Steven Turner - United States - Tetra Tech, Inc. Mr. Jeffrey Heun - United States - Louisville Gas and Electric/Kentucky Utilities Abstract Ash Treatment Basin 2 (ATB2) is a 150-acre coal ash pond located in Ghent, Kentucky. It served as a depository for Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) resulting from electrical generation activities at the Kentucky Utilities Ghent Generating Station. Closure activities began in 2017, liner installation finished in 2023, and overall site work ended in 2024. Closure activities began with the installation of dewatering wells and vibrating wire piezometers to detect subsurface movement to alert against slides during mass fill activities. Mass fill included the installation of geogrid and bottom ash roads to gain access to the pond. Mass fill occurred for 3 years (2021-2023) beginning with the north lobe (40-acres), southern embankment (66-acres), and central area (69-acres). In total, 4 million cubic yards of material and 15 million square feet of 50 mil linear low-density polyethylene MicroDrain® liner and geotextile were utilized during closure activities. Prominent features installed include 36-inch stormwater outlet structures and conveyance systems in both the east and west, 9,000 ft of underdrain in the perimeter ditches, and a fabric form ditch in the north lobe. Following closure activities, 650,000 CY of cover soil was placed and seeded over the entire liner system to form a cap.