01 KY V6
The KY V6 system is based on a real-world system in KY and was originally used by Hernandez & Ormsbee in 2020 as part of a classification study. The system has a total demand of 1.56 MGD, two reservoirs, three tanks, two pumps, and 58.5 miles of pipe. It is classified as distribution branch by Hwang & Lansey (2017) and looped by Hoagland et al. (2015).
02 KY V8
The KY V8 system is based on a real-world system in KY and was originally used by Hernandez & Ormsbee in 2020 as part of a classification study. The system has a total demand of 2.47 MGD, two reservoirs, five tanks, four pumps, and 150 miles of pipe. It is classified as distribution branch by Hwang & Lansey (2017) and looped by Hoagland et al. (2015).
03 KY V18
The KY V18 system is based on a real-world system in KY and was originally used by Hernandez & Ormsbee in 2020 as part of a classification study. The system has a total demand of 2.2 MGD, one reservoir, three tanks, three pumps, and 112 miles of pipe.IT is classified as distribution sparse-grid by Hwang & Lansey (2017) and Hoagland et al. (2015).
04 KY V19
The KY V19 system is based on a real-world system in KY and was originally used by Hernandez & Ormsbee in 2020 as part of a classification study. The system has a total demand of 1.41 MGD, 15 reservoirs, 11 pumps, and 221 miles of pipe. It is classified as distribution branch by Hwang & Lansey (2017) and looped by Hoagland et al. (2015).
05 KY V20
The KY V20 system is based on a real-world system in KY and was originally used by Hernandez & Ormsbee in 2020 as part of a classification study. The system has a total demand of 0.27 MGD, two reservoirs, 1 pump, and 14.8 miles of pipe. It is classified as distribution dense-grid by Hwang & Lansey (2017) and looped by Hoagland et al. (2015).
06 KY V21
The KY V21 system is based on a real-world system in KY and was originally used by Hernandez & Ormsbee in 2020 as part of a classification study. The system has a total demand of 0.88 MGD, one reservoir, 11 tanks, 16 pump, and 293 miles of pipe. It is classified as distribution hybrid by Hwang & Lansey (2017) and looped by Hoagland et al. (2015).
07 KY V22
The KY V22 system is based on a real-world system in KY and was originally used by Hernandez & Ormsbee in 2020 as part of a classification study. The system has a total demand of 0.52 MGD, one reservoir, seven tanks, four pump, and 33.2 miles of pipe. It is classified as distribution branch by Hwang & Lansey (2017) and looped by Hoagland et al. (2015).
08 KY V23
The KY V23 system is based on a real-world system in KY and was originally used by Hernandez & Ormsbee in 2020 as part of a classification study. The system has a total demand of 1.91 MGD, one reservoir, 14 tanks, 21 pump, and 320 miles of pipe. It is classified as distribution branch by Hwang & Lansey (2017) and looped by Hoagland et al. (2015).
09 KY V24
The KY V24 system is based on a real-world system in KY and was originally used by Hernandez & Ormsbee in 2020 as part of a classification study. The system has a total demand of 0.13 MGD, two reservoirs, and 52.6 miles of pipe. It is classified as distribution branch by Hwang & Lansey (2017) and branched by Hoagland et al. (2015).
The Kentucky Valved dataset is an expansion on the Kentucky dataset created in 2020. It has three of the Kentucky dataset systems along with six additional systems, all including active valve data. These were originally used in resilience studies and include real world data associated with demand, water loss, and consumer cost of water.
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