Sexual Bullying, Slut-Shaming, and the Unslut Project | Library Events | University of Kentucky


Award-winning filmmaker and author Emily Lindin, creator of the Unslut Project , is coming to UK! Join Emily in person as she screens Unslut: A Documentary Film that asks the question: "Why is the sexual shaming of girls and women, especially sexual assault victims, still so prevalent?" Through interviews with sexuality experts, advocates, and media figures, Emily explores sexual shaming, bullying, and discrimination. Emily also will be giving an invited lecture on sexism and social media.

Thursday, March 1, 2018
Gatton College Building, Kincaid Auditorium
7:30pm - 9:30pm – First film screening of Unslut: A Documentary Film and Q&A/Discussion with Emily

Friday, March 2, 2018
Young Library, UKAA Auditorium & Alumni Gallery
9:00am - 10:30am – Free morning refreshments for Friday registrants
10:00am - 12:00pm – Second film screening of Unslut: A Documentary Film and Q&A/Discussion with Emily
2:00pm - 3:00pm – Invited lecture by Emily: #metoo, #timesup, and the social media revolution aimed at exposing (and changing) the culture of sexual violence and harassment against women and girls

This program has been made possible by UK Libraries, UK College of Social Work, UK Office of LGBTQ* Resources, and UK Office of Institutional Diversity.

Representatives and counselors from the UK Violence Intervention and Prevention Center (VIP) will be present on both days of the event. VIP is a confidential UK campus community resource serving, through direct advocacy services, those impacted by sexual and gender-based violence. VIP actively contributes to creating a campus culture intolerant of violence.

If you have questions about the Emily Lindin event, please contact the principal organizer, Dr. Spencer Acadia.

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Sexual Bullying, Slut-Shaming, and the Unslut Project