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Document Type
Doctoral Dissertation
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Arts and Sciences
Dr. Mai Zhou
Empirical likelihood (EL) is a recently developed nonparametric method of statistical inference. It has been shown by Owen (1988,1990) and many others that empirical likelihood ratio (ELR) method can be used to produce nice confidence intervals or regions. Owen (1988) shows that -2logELR converges to a chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom subject to a linear statistical functional in terms of distribution functions. However, a generalization of Owen's result to the right censored data setting is difficult since no explicit maximization can be obtained under constraint in terms of distribution functions. Pan and Zhou (2002), instead, study the EL with right censored data using a linear statistical functional constraint in terms of cumulative hazard functions. In this dissertation, we extend Owen's (1988) and Pan and Zhou's (2002) results subject to non-linear but Hadamard differentiable statistical functional constraints. In this purpose, a study of differentiable functional with respect to hazard functions is done. We also generalize our results to two sample problems. Stochastic process and martingale theories will be applied to prove the theorems. The confidence intervals based on EL method are compared with other available methods. Real data analysis and simulations are used to illustrate our proposed theorem with an application to the Gini's absolute mean difference.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Recommended Citation
Shen, Zhiyuan, "EMPIRICAL LIKELIHOOD AND DIFFERENTIABLE FUNCTIONALS" (2016). Theses and Dissertations--Statistics. 14.
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