Author ORCID Identifier

Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Doctoral Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Arts and Sciences




Dr. Carrie Oser

Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Dr. Robyn Brown


The burden of the opioid epidemic demands further efforts to facilitate recovery, particularly for disadvantaged populations and those recently released from prison. After community reentry, individuals face a period of vulnerability as they adjust to new roles and responsibilities to meet their basic needs. Prison-based substance use disorder treatment (SUD Tx) programs provide support to help prepare individuals with SUD for their release and facilitate successful recovery goals after community reentry. This dissertation has three aims: (1) further the understanding of potential barriers and facilitators of recovery after community reentry, (2) assess how prison-levels of recovery capital influence recovery outcomes post-release from prison, and (3) model personal, social/family, and community factors associated with recovery capital levels after community reentry. This project utilizes data from the ongoing longitudinal National Institute on Drug-Abuse-funded study called the Geographic Variation in Addiction Treatment Experiences (GATE) study. This study aims to assess multi-level factors influencing prison-based initiation of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), predictors of MOUD utilization post-release, and adverse outcomes among rural and urban persons with opioid use disorder. Qualitative analysis is used to understand what barriers or facilitators individuals experience after community reentry in aim 1. Analyses for aim 2 and 3 utilize quantitative modeling informed by the recovery capital framework to predict recovery outcomes and identify factors associated with levels of recovery capital post-release from prison. Findings indicate the importance of asset-building during the period of incarceration to better facilitate the transition from prison to the community. Further, results identify factors in the community associated with recovery capital levels post-release from prison. The findings from this dissertation can be used to develop informed interventions for the carceral setting as well as in the community to better support individuals in recovery during the vulnerable transitionary period during community reentry.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Funding Information

This work was supported by NIDA R01-DA48876.
