Submissions from 1989
Letter to Dean Katherine Helm providing information on SEAALL, November 3, 1989, Clare Donnelly
Letter to Anne Prentice providing information on SEAALL, November 3, 1989, Martha Dragich
Letter to Anne Prentice providing information on SEAALL, September 13, 1989, Martha Dragich
Letter to Dr. Guy Craft providing information on SEAALL, November 3, 1989, Martha Dragich
Letter to Jean Holcomb concerning a state practice materials bibliography, April 10, 1989, Ed Edmonds
Letter to SEAALL Committee Chairs requesting committee reports, March 8, 1989, Mary Smith Forman
Letter to Mary Smith Forman providing a report of the Publication Committee's activities, April 3, 1989, Jean Holcomb
Letter to Members of the Publications Committee providing status updates on committee projects, March 28, 1989, Jean Holcomb
Letter to Patricia Babe concerning surveys conducted by the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, April 28, 1989, Jean Holcomb
Letter to Hazel Johnson acknowledging documents received, July 14, 1989, Joan Howland
Letter to Dean Barbara Moran providing information on SEAALL, November 8, 1989, Jack Hurd
Letter to Dean Fred Roper providing information on SEAALL, November 13, 1989, Jack Hurd
Letter to Hazel Johnson enclosing copies of letters to Library School Deans, November 22, 1989, Jack Hurd
Letter to Ann Morton providing information on SEAALL, December 11, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Barbara Black providing information on SEAALL, December 5, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Carol West detailing plans for the SEAALL Annual Meeting, September 11, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Committee Members concerning letters to Library School Deans, October 2, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Committee Members detailing goals for the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, August 30, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Committee Members enclosing SEAALL membership brochure, September 19, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Committee Members updating them on committee activities, December 11, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Committee Members updating them on committee activities, November 20, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Constance Matzen concerning Matzen assisting the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, November 14, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Frank Houdek porviding copy for the AALL Newsletter, June 26, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Jack Hurd providing information regarding letters to Library School Deans, November 14, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Joan Howland providing information for the AALL Continuing Education Calendar, June 26, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to J. Wesley Cochran concerning ideas for the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, May 1, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Virginia Maxim providing information on SEAALL, December 11, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Virginia Maxim providing information on SEAALL, December 5, 1989, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Wes Daniels acknowledging Daniel's agreement to chair the Publications Committee, July 27, 1987, Hazel Johnson
Publicity and Public Relations Committee Annual Report, 1989-1990, SEAALL
"Why You Need a Law Librarian" article, 1989, SEAALL
Letter to Dr. Philip Turner providing information on SEAALL, September 26, 1989, Cherry Thomas
Letter to Hazel Johnson concerning Library School Dean letters, September 27, 1989, Cherry Thomas
Letter to Jeannine Laughlin providing information on SEAALL, October 2, 1989, Carol West
Submissions from 1988
Letter to Joy Garmon thanking Garmon for volunteering for the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, August 10, 1988, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Mary Smith Forman concerning potential projects for the Publicity and the Public Relations Committee, November 28, 1988, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Jean Holcomb concerning surveys prepared by the Publications Committee, April 1, 1988, Wes Daniels
Letter to Jean Holcomb concerning the chapter procedures manual, November 9, 1988, Wes Daniels
Letter to Jean Holcomb acknowledging Edmonds' membership in the Publications Committee, August 30, 1988, Ed Edmonds
Letter to Jean Holcomb acknowledging Holcomb as chair of the Publications Committee, July 22, 1988, Mary Smith Forman
Letter to Jean Holcomb with contact information for committee member, August 9, 1988, Mary Smith Forman
Letter to Karen Orlando concerning the salary survey, April 12, 1988, Mary Gilliam
In-House Publications Clearinghouse Survey Materials and Report, June 23, 1988, Jean Holcomb
Automation in Law Libraries Questionnaire, SEAALL
Publications Committee Annual Report, April 1, 1988, SEAALL
Publicity and Public Relations Committee Annual Report, April 12, 1988, SEAALL
Submissions from 1987
Letter to Committee Members welcoming them to the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, September 16, 1987, Steven Hinckley
Letter to Jean Holcomb appointing Holcomb to the Publications Committee, July 27, 1987, Hazel Johnson
Submissions from 1986
Letter to Jean, August 15, 1986, Carol Billings
Letter to Rita Parham, September 16, 1986, Carol Billings
Letter to the Publications Committee, September 2, 1986, Carol Billings
Letter to Wes Daniels, September 2, 1986, Carol Billings
Letter to Jean Holcomb welcoming Holcomb to the Publications Committee, October 22, 1986, Wes Daniels
Letter to SEAALL Members concerning the Clearinghouse for In-House Publications project, 1986, Wes Daniels
Letter to SEAALL Members with SEAALL Clearinghouse for In-House Publications Questionnaire, 1986, Wes Daniels
Letter to Wes Daniels providing ideas for committee projects, November 6, 1986, Jean Holcomb
Letter to SEAALL President concerning the AALL Occasional Papers Series, January 28, 1986, Frank Houdek