Correspondence from 1991
Letter to Timothy Coggins and Mary Cross regarding a program proposal for the AALL Annual Meeting, July 3, 1991, Donna Bausch
Letter to Mary Cross regarding the SEAALL Presidency, April 4, 1991, Carol Billings
Letter to SEAALL President regarding the AALL Strategic Plan, December 20, 1991, Carol Billings
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding AALL Leadership Orientation, April 3, 1991, Martha Brown
Letter to Mary Cross regarding the SEAALL bank account, November 20, 1991, Sue Burch
Note to Mary Cross regarding membership dues, September 27, 1991, Sue Burch
Letter to Chapter Presidents regarding AALL gliders, February 18, 1991, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Alva Stone regarding membership recruitment, February 19, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Cherry Thomas and Library Staff regarding the SEAALL Annual Meeting, March 26, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Cherry Thomas regarding the SEAALL Annual Meeting, March 26, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Dean V. Nathaniel Hansford regarding the SEAALL Annual Meeting, March 26, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Frits Tenpas regarding the SEAALL Annual Meeting, January 16, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Gennie Greene requesting information, January 14, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Jim Heller regarding the SEAALL Institute, March 26, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Jim Porter regarding the SEAALL Annual Meeting, January 14, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to J. Wesley Cochran regarding a resolution of appreciation for Ken Barnett, April 25, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Kathy Heberer regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, February 4, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Kathy Larson regarding SEAALL Annual Meeting registration materials, February 5, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Lori Davis regarding a contribution to the SEAALL Annual Meeting, April 16, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Margaret Leary regarding SEAALL chapter awards, February 27, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Maria Penta regarding SEAALL membership, March 5, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Martha Brown regarding AALL Leadership Orientation, April 16, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Martha Brown regarding errors in a SEAALL Chapter Biography for AALL, July 31, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Mary Cross enclosing Coggins' SEAALL materials, July 31, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Mary Cross regarding SEAALL Business Meeting, August 6, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Mary Cross thanking her for assisting SEAALL, February 28, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Monica Corbett regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, May 2, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Peggy Martin regarding the SEAALL Annual Meeting, March 26, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Penny Gibson thanking Gibson for helping with the SEAALL Annual Meeting, March 26, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Randall Brown regarding Brown's contribution to the SEAALL Annual Meeting, April 16, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Randall Brown regarding Brown's contribution to the SEAALL Annual Meeting, February 14, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Robert Marshall regarding the SEAALL Annual Meeting, March 26, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Ruth Weeks regarding the SEAALL Annual Meeting, March 26, 1992, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Sandra Wenner regarding advertisements in the Southeastern Law Librarian, September 12, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Scott Thompson regarding contributions to the SEAALL Annual Meeting, February 13, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to SEAALL Officers and Committee Chairs regarding the Executive Committee Meeting, February 7, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Notes on SEAALL Annual Meeting Contributors and Exhibitors, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Note to Cherry Thomas regarding contributors to the SEAALL Annual Meeting, February 7, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Note to Mary Cross enclosing materials from AALL, April 9, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Note to Mary Cross enclosing materials from AALL, June 6, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Note to Mary Cross regarding lack of news from other SEAALL members, April 8, 1991, Timothy Coggins
Resolution of Thanks to Ken Barnett, July 1991, Timothy Coggins
Letter to Dean William Summers providing information on SEAALL, October 9, 1991, Mary Cross
Letter to Donna Bausch and Jean Holcomb regarding co-sponsoring a program with VALL, August 15, 1991, Mary Cross
Letter to Kathy Heberer and Russell Gebet regarding the AALL Executive Board, October 7, 1991, Mary Cross
Letter to Linda Spath regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, September 10, 1991, Mary Cross
Letter to Mary Smith Forman regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, August 15, 1991, Mary Cross
Letter to Paulette Webb regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, August 15, 1991, Mary Cross
Letter to SEAALL Committee Chairs regarding SEAALL business for 1991-1992, October 1, 1991, Mary Cross
Note to Alva Stone regarding SEAALL Officer Election, April 11, 1991, Mary Cross
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding payment to SEAALL, February 25, 1991, Lori Davis
Letter to Diana Osbaldiston regarding SEAALL directory, June 21, 1991, Rebecca Forman
Letter to AALL Chapter Presidents regarding the AALL Placement Service, February 27, 1991, Judy Genesen
Letter to AALL leaders regarding AALL elections policy, November 19, 1991, Judy Genesen
Letter to AALL leaders regarding AALL Executive Board Meeting, January 30, 1991, Judy Genesen
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding the SEAALL Annual Meeting, April 2, 1991, Penny Gibson
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, April 15, 1991, Kathy Heberer
Letter to Mary Cross regarding co-sponsoring a program with VALL, November 4, 1991, Jean Holcomb
Letter to Chapter Newsletter Editors regarding CONELL, February 6, 1991, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding CONELL, February 1, 1991, Hazel Johnson
Letter to Randall Brown regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, May 2, 1991, Diana Osbaldiston
Note to Timothy Coggins regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, April 29, 1991, Diana Osbaldiston
Letter to AALL leaders regarding AALL biographical directory, May 24, 1991, Ann Osborne
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding SEAALL membership, March 1, 1991, Maria Penta
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding exhibition at University of Alabama, January 22, 1991, Paul Pruitt Jr.
Letter to Mary Smith Forman regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, July 19, 1991, Karen Russi
Letter to Carolyn Ahearn regarding AALL Nominations Committee, October 24, 1991, Maria Sekula
Letter to Sabrina Pacifici regarding PLL Perspectives, September 10, 1991, Alva Stone
Note to SEAALL Executive Committee regarding SEAALL Business Meeting, July 29, 1991, Alva Stone
Letter to Mary Cross regarding law librarianship education, November 22, 1991, William Summers
Letter to Camille Riley regarding the SEAALL Annual Meeting, May 15, 1991, Cherry Thomas
Letter to Mary Smith Forman regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, July 17, 1991, Paulette Webb
Letter to Mary Cross regarding SEAALL Public Relations activities, October 3, 1991, Mary Whisner and Judith Krone
Correspondence from 1990
Invitation to the 1990 Leadership Training Session, June 16, 1990, AALL
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding invitation to SEAALL Annual Meeting, August 30, 1990, Carolyn Ahearn
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding SEAALL Government Relations activities, September 6, 1990, Steven Barkan
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, October 5, 1990, Jack Bissett
Letter to AALL Chapter Presidents regarding AALL Chapter Visits, May 21, 1990, Martha Brown
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding AALL Special Committee on Recruitment, August 10, 1990, Martha Brown
Letter to Timothy Coggins regarding Carolyn Ahearn's visit to the 1991 SEAALL Annual Meeting, August 27, 1990, Martha Brown
Note to Timothy Coggins regarding SEAALL Annual Meeting Evaluations, May 15, 1990, Martha Brown
Letter to SEAALL Committee Chairs and Officers regarding SEAALL publicity efforts, July 20, 1990, Sue Burch
Letter to SEAALL members regarding SEAALL publicity, August 23, 1990, Sue Burch
Letter to SEAALL members regarding SEAALL publicity, July 20, 1990, Sue Burch
Letter to SEAALL members regarding SEAALL publicity, November 28, 1990, Sue Burch
Letter to Diana Osbaldiston regarding SEAALL membership dues, June 13, 1990, Joan Cannon
Letter to Chapter Presidents providing updates from the AALL Executive Board Meeting, November 14, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Chapter Presidents regarding AALL Chapter visits, July 3, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Chapter Presidents regarding AALL Executive Board Meeting, September 20, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Chapter Presidents regarding confusion with AALL Annual Meeting dates, November 28, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Cherry Thomas regarding deadlines for materials concerning the SEAALL Annual Meeting, April 24, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Diana Osbaldiston regarding SEAALL Annual Meeting expenses, April 25, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Diana Osbaldiston regarding SEAALL Annual Meeting expenses, August 8, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Diana Osbaldiston regarding status of two SEAALL members, March 22, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Ed Edmonds regarding the SEAALL Mentor Program, April 4, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Hazel Johnson regarding SEAALL Institute registrations, April 18, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to J. J. Hayden II regarding speaker expenses, July 8, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Kathy Heberer regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, June 29, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran
Letter to Lisa Williams regarding membership directory mailings, April 12, 1990, J. Wesley Cochran