
The number of Americans with diabetes is projected to double, or triple by 2050 according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC reports that as many as 1 in 3 U.S. adults could have diabetes by 2050, currently 1 in 10 U.S. adults has diabetes. Longer lifespans and an older, more diverse population are consider contributing factors for the current trend. Research shows that in spite of prevention efforts and medical advances, the prevalence of diabetes will increase by 54% between 2015 and 2030; annual deaths attributed to diabetes will climb by 38%; and total annual medical and societal costs related to diabetes will increase 53% by 2030.

CDC scientists have identified a diabetes belt located mostly in the southern portion of the United States. This diabetes belt consists of 644 counties in 15 states. Sixty-eight (68) of Kentucky’s 120 counties are in this diabetes belt, which requires that ≥11% of adults aged ≥20 have been diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes.

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