Research Analytics Summit 2024

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As proposal, subaward, award, and agreement volumes continue to grow at your institution, how can you strategize to support the size of your research infrastructure? How can you justify the expansion of your teams and talent? How do you adjust roles and workload to align with the growing portfolio? What technology considerations should you make to track this?

This session will cover how to leverage data to make effective business decisions regarding resource needs and allocation methodology to meet growing demands, starting with your internal data and then looking externally. We will cover strategies for using data analytics to efficiently manage the size of your research enterprise and portfolios, as well as measure performance of pre-award and post-award functions across the grant lifecycle. Participants will understand how to analyze portfolios, beyond sheet volume, and analyze the various criteria that can be objectively evaluated to determine how to balance your sponsored programs portfolio. We will review common reporting and analytics tools and provide examples of critical data points to consider at both the central office and department level.


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