Research Analytics Summit 2024

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In this session, we will consider how to use place-based data to build your case to sponsors for funding research at your institution, particularly for sponsors who operate on the national or international scale. The setting of your institution—the communities it developed in, the region where it operates, and the people it reaches and serves—is key for conveying its unique capacities and potentials, and for making sponsors eager to bring you into their funding portfolio. How can data help you introduce yourself as an institution and tell your story in geographical and economic context? In this session we will explore US Census data, other federal data hubs, and research and reporting from organizations such as the Pew Research Center or the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). We will cover the benefits and challenges of working with raw data; identify suitable data types for certain purposes, such as diversity and equity issues; and consider what kinds of data and presentations are most compelling to different types of funders. With greater awareness of what data and tools are available, you can “put yourself on the map” and paint a vivid picture of your community for prospective funders.


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Watch the post-summit online webinar. Use the link below under "Additional Files" to download the recording.

11. RAS_recording_Hurst_Representing_Institution_Data.mp4 (120277 kB)
Recorded post-summit online webinar



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