Research Analytics Summit 2024

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The 2018 Evidence Act has mandated US government departments and agencies to be much clearer about their research agendas and the engagement they want with academic researchers and institutions. Tracking those engagements has become easier as data providers increasingly supply information on policy engagement or policy citations, tracking where academics at an institution have been cited in or mentioned by name in government reports and policy documents at a local, state or federal level. This session covers the processes, policies and best practice you need to put in place to start using policy engagement data responsibly, both to track and report on existing engagements and to find hotspots where government has questions that your institution could be doing more to help answer. We'll show which kinds of institutional strategies benefit most and least from policy data, the differences between scholarly and policy citations, the most important biases and caveats to investigate and include in reports, and describe some examples of best practice at other research universities.


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