Research Analytics Summit 2024

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CollabNext is being developed as part of the NSF ProtoOKN (Prototype Open Knowledge Network) effort. This project originated as a partnership between Georgia Tech and the Atlanta University Center, and is now being developed jointly by Fisk University, Georgia Tech, Morehouse College, Texas Southern University, and University at Buffalo with support from the NSF TIP Directorate.

Our goal is to develop a knowledge graph based on people, organizations, and research topics. We are adopting an intentional design approach which initially prioritizes HBCUs and emerging researchers in a deliberate effort to counterbalance the Matthew effect, a naturally accumulated advantage of well-resourced research organizations. By bringing greater visibility to what and who is often rendered invisible in the current science system, CollabNext will facilitate research collaborations with HBCUs and other MSIs, and illuminate the broader research landscape.

Our goal is to utilize open science data sources, follow human-centered design principles, and leverage state-of-the-art algorithms to build a platform that will help identify existing and cultivate new research partnerships that include emerging research institutions.


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