Research Analytics Summit 2024

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As more data analytics programs pop up, we see graduates with these degrees and certificates in our applicant pool. However, the analyst that works in higher ed administration is not like a data scientist that looks for biomarkers in genomic data or the programmer that writes in R all day. What are the skills needed for this job? What exactly is this job that we are hiring for? Should managers prioritize applicants with analytics certificates? Or is experience with sponsored projects more important? We (your presenters) don’t have perfect answers but we (the collective conference attendees) can come up with imperfect guidelines! Much of this depends on your specific institution’s characteristics and needs, but there are three things we deem absolutely necessary for an analyst to have in their skillset: an analytical mind, diverse communication skills, and quickly adapting to your institutional culture.


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Watch the post-summit online webinar. Use the link below under "Additional Files" to download the recording.

20240426 Hiring a Research Analyst Unicorn_Hansa Magee_recording.mp4 (470109 kB)
Recorded post-summit online webinar



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