Research Analytics Summit 2024

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This session will explore ways to locate, analyze, and present sponsor-provided data to guide research development. Individual investigators, who may be proposing to a funder for the first time, often want to know about funding success rates, as well as more nuanced insight into the kinds of projects agencies tend to favor. They may also benefit from insight into changing workforce demographics and career trajectories in their discipline. At the departmental and institutional level, leadership seeks information about trends in funding availability and mechanisms, and in patterns of grants made, to better position themselves for these opportunities. As a research development professional, how can you best use available data from and about grantmakers to answer their questions? Better yet, how can you proactively access and interpret this data to keep your institution informed of trends relevant to its priorities? In this session, we will take a tour of valuable data sources such as NIH RePORTER and the NIH data book, NCSES’s Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development, and directories of philanthropy like Candid. We will talk through a few cases of research development tasks and examine how such data can help solve problems, inform decisions, alleviate fears, and reveal opportunities for our institutions.


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