
Repetitive pitching places tremendous forces on the shoulder and elbow which can lead to upper extremity (UE) or lower extremity (LE) overuse injuries.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate pre-season physical measurements in collegiate baseball players and track in-season baseball throwing volume to determine which factors may predict throwing overuse injuries.

Study Design
Retrospective Cohort study.

Baseline preseason mobility, strength, endurance, and perception of function were measured in 17 collegiate baseball pitchers. Participants were then followed during the course of the season to collect rate of individual exposure, estimated pitch volume, and rating of perceived exertion in order to determine if changes in workload contributed to risk of injury using an Acute-to-Chronic Workload ratio (ACWR).

Participants developing an injury had greater shoulder internal rotator strength (p=0.04) and grip strength in a neutral position (p=0.03). A significant relationship was identified between ACWR and UE injuries (p < 0.001). Athletes with an ACWR above or below 33% were 8.3 (CI95 1.8-54.1) times more likely to suffer a throwing overuse injury occurring to the upper or lower extremity in the subsequent week.

ACWR change in a positive or negative direction by 33% was the primary predictor of subsequent injury. This finding may assist sports medicine clinicians by using this threshold when tracking pitch volume to ensure a safe progression in workload during a baseball season to reduce the risk of sustaining overuse upper or lower extremity injuries.

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Publication Date


Notes/Citation Information

Published in International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, v. 16, issue 3.

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