Most Recent Additions


Influence of Low-Level Condensed Tannins Concentrations in Temperate Forages on Sheep Performace
F Montossi, F Liu, J Hodgson, S T. Morris, T N. Barry, and D F. Risso


Tannin Contents of Some Indigenous Browse Plants of Botswana
A A. Aganga, C M. Tsopito, and K M. Morake


Condensed Tannins in Tropical Legumes: Concentration, Astringency and Effects on the Nutrition of Ruminants
R Barahona, C E. Lascano, R C. Cochran, J L. Morrill, and E C. Titgemeyer


Effect of Condensed Tannin in Lotus Corniculatus and Lotus Pedunculatus on Digestion of Rubisco in the Rumen
W C. McNabb, R J. Aerts, A Brand, J S. Peters, Y L. Foo, and G C. Waghorn


Nitrogen and Fiber Digestion in Sheep Fed Fresh-Frozen and Field-Dried High and Low Tannin Sericea Lespedeza
T H. Terrill, W R. Windham, C S. Hoveland, H E. Amos, B Kouakou, and S Gelaye


Alteration of Condensed Tannin Sythesis in Transgenic Forage Legumes
F Paolocci, G Tanner, S Arcioni, and F Damiani


Comparison of the In Vitro Fermentation Characteristic of Fractionated Alfalfa and Sainfoin
L R. McMahon, M Goto, T A. McAllister, G A. Jones, and K J. Cheng


Genetic Manipulation of Sainfoin Leaf Tannins
M Y. Gruber, P Auser, G Lees, A D. Muir, and M Wood


Induction of Mutants with Ectopic Expression of Condensed Tannins
M Y. Gruber, B Skadhauge, P Auser, A D. Muir, K K. Thomsen, J Stougaard, B Coulman, and D von Wettstein

*Updated as of 04/19/24.