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Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Doctoral Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Arts and Sciences




Dr. Rachel H. Farr


In recent years, the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (and additional identities; LGBTQ+) identified people and the number of Asian Pacific Islander Americans (APIA) have been increasing in the United States (Movement Advancement Project 2019; Newport, 2018). As the individuals in these demographic groups develop over their lifespan, many will become parents and form families, but little work is currently available on the experiences of LGBTQ+ APIA individuals and future parenthood. Here, I report findings on the perceptions and importance of future parenthood, identity development, identity integration, and microaggressions and/or discrimination (as they relate to racial-ethnic and sexual identity) across three samples: LGBTQ+ APIA, LGBTQ+ White, and cisgender heterosexual people. Taking an intersectional, quantitative approach, I found that broadly, (racial-ethnic and sexual) identity development and integration, as well as experiences of microaggressions or discrimination, were not associated with perceptions and importance of future parenthood among LGBTQ+ APIA individuals. However, there were mixed findings such that racial-ethnic identity development and perceived racial-ethnic discrimination were associated with perceptions and importance of future parenthood, but only among LGBTQ+ White adults. Race-specific microaggressions against APIA were also associated with parenting intentions among cisgender heterosexual APIA people. How these findings can contribute to the foundation of literature on the experiences of LGBTQ+ APIA families and future parenthood is discussed.

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Funding Information

This study was supported by the William T. Grant Foundation's Mentoring Grant in 2021.
