This review has a two-fold objective. One, it addresses the association of hyperandrogenism and obesity and the complex metabolic derangements that are part of the problem. Clinical management of these co-morbidities is challenging and complex. Second, this article will aid health care providers with the key features to an early diagnosis and intervention to decrease the morbidities in the short as well as long term. Method: Systematic review of articles and information on the topic of interest that were published in the last 15 years. Conclusion: Obesity and hyperandrogenism are integral parts of Metabolic Syndrome/Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)/Hyperandrogenism, Insulin resistance, and Acanthosis Nigricans (HAIR-AN). With the childhood obesity epidemic, the metabolic syndrome and the associated abnormalities are routinely seen in clinical practice and these have a tremendous economic burden on the society and the quality of life.
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Repository Citation
Deokar, Amit M.; Smith, Shawn J.; Goodwin, Amanda J.; and Omar, Hatim A., "Hyperandrogenism and Obesity: Ominous Co-Morbidities" (2009). Pediatrics Faculty Publications. 139.
Notes/Citation Information
Published in Child Health and Human Development Yearbook - 2008. Joav Merrick, (Ed.). p. 423-433.
© 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
The copyright holder has granted permission for posting the chapter here.
Reprinted as an article in International Journal of Child Health and Human Development, v. 1, issue 4, p. 349-356.
Reprinted as a book chapter in Rural Child Health: International Aspects, Erica Bell & Joav Merrick (Eds.), p. 227-236.
Reprinted as a book chapter in Obesity and Adolescence: A Public Health Concern. Hatim A Omar, Donald E. Greydanus, Dilip R. Patel, & Joav Merrick, (Eds.). p. 17-27.