Scholarship Unlocked: The Future of Open Access | Library Events | University of Kentucky
Scholarship Unlocked: The Future of Open Access

Scholarship Unlocked: The Future of Open Access



October 22-28, 2012 was Open Access Week, which was a global event that celebrated open access as an effective and efficient means of disseminating research and scholarship.

The University of Kentucky Libraries hosted two public events to celebrate Open Access Week:

Keynote Event
Scholarship Unlocked: The Future of Open Access
Wednesday, October 24, 2:00-3:30 pm

Live Webcast
Perspectives on Open Access: Practice, Progress and Pitfalls
Monday, October 22, 4:00-5:30 pm

The library also set up an OA Café outside of the White Hall Classroom Building from noon to 1:00 pm on October 22 to answer questions about open access and author rights.

For more information about open access and related topics, please visit this guide.

Browse the contents of Scholarship Unlocked: The Future of Open Access:

Scholarship Unlocked: The Future of Open Access