Single Nucleus RNA Sequencing of Human Sural Nerve Injury

Single Nucleus RNA Sequencing of Human Sural Nerve Injury

Researcher ORCID Identifier

Craig G. van Horne:

Monica Chau:

Jorge E. Quintero:


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University of Kentucky Libraries


Single nucleus RNA sequencing of human sural nerve injury collected from two participants at A proteomic analysis, using mass spectrometry and immunoassays, of the human peripheral nervous system's response to a transection injury. We obtained, from the same participants, the protein levels in freshly cut and degenerating human sural nerve tissue.

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Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Supporting Information

Please see the Readme file.

File Format

Readme file: Text document (.txt)

Data access request form: Word document (.docx)

File Size

Readme file: 4.4 KB

Data access request form: 37 KB

Temporal Coverage

2019 to 2021

Funding Information

University of Kentucky College of Medicine BRAIN Alliance grant, Ann Hanley Parkinson’s Research Fund

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Chau, M. J., Quintero, J. E., Blalock, E., Samaan, C., Gerhardt, G., & van Horne, C. (2021). Transection injury differentially alters the proteome of the human sural nerve [Preprint]. Neuroscience.

Welleford, A. S., Quintero, J. E., Seblani, N. E., Blalock, E., Gunewardena, S., Shapiro, S. M., Riordan, S. M., Huettl, P., Guduru, Z., Stanford, J. A., van Horne, C. G., & Gerhardt, G. A. (2020). RNA sequencing of human peripheral nerve in response to injury: Distinctive analysis of the nerve repair pathways. Cell Transplantation, 29, 096368972092615. [Access this article from UKnowledge]

van Horne, C. G., Chau, M., & Quintero, J. E. (2021). Proteomic analysis of human sural nerve. UKnowledge Neuroscience Research Data.


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Single Nucleus RNA Sequencing of Human Sural Nerve Injury
