Capstone Projects from 2006
An Analysis of Employing the Circuit Breaker as an Alternative Approach for Targeting Aid to Low-Income Students in Kentucky, William Walton
Capstone Projects from 2005
Public Authorities and Determinants of Aggregate Debt: Kentucky's Municipal Governments, Derek J. Bridges
Survey of Physical Agility Testing and Officer Fitness Levels in Kentucky Police Departments, Charles Nathan Brown
Evaluating Awareness of Community Health and Human Services by the Hispanic Population in Lexington, Kentucky, Pilar Corbellini
Interlocal Cooperation in the Bluegrass Area Development District: What Factors Lead to Success?, Lora B. Littleton
The Effects of a University-Based Academic Detailing Program for Primary Care Providers on Hemoglobin A1c Assessment Frequency in Type II Diabetics, Christopher Maloy
Economic Analysis of Kentucky Being a Part of the National Lambda Rail, Chithra Perumal
First Responders on the Front Line: Measuring the Effect of Mobilization on Emergency Services, Kate Pringle
Where Supply Meets Demand: Women in Diesel Mechanics, Emily Raine
Contracting Waste Collection in Kenton County: Will Inter-Municipality Cooperation Decrease Cost?, Thomas A. Rauf
The Color Purple: Can Alternative Election Systems Better Represent American Political Behavior?, Krista Rinehart
Accountability in Public Administration Education: Assessing the Martin School, Natalie Schneider
Measuring Environmental Compliance Assistance Outcomes: A Benefit Cost Analysis of the Kentucky Business Environmental Assistance Program, Kenya K. Stump
Organizational Structures and State Departments of Transportation, Candice Y. Wallace
An Exploratory Analysis of the Fayette-County Urban League Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP): What are the Barriers Facing SCSEP Participants, Kelly S. Woodall
Capstone Projects from 2004
When the Safety Net Fails: An Analysis of Alternative Long-Term Care Services in Kentucky, Suzanne Dale
Contracting with Nonprofit Organizations: A Model for Local Governments, Renee Jackson
Identifying the Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Creating a Separate Foundation for Development at the University of Kentucky, David Shellhorse